Ahh..After spending an entire month putting on weight,watching anime,Listening to Creed's commands and sleeping,it's time for me to return from my dellusional dreams and otaku fantasies the real life...i.e return to College and start my fucking routine which has haunted my life since the day ..uhh..(oops can't remember!).My normal life is way too boring and fucked up >_<,not that I actually expect this sem to be better than than the ones that preceded..it's just annoying and boring!!Not to mention the whores running around wild in the City of Kolkata(uugh),well of course not all are whores others are wild twilight fangirls..>_>.Sometimes I kinda think,why the hell??..who gives a damn??..I might as well ended up an emo fag junkie like ********.I guess life's not kind to us..Plus all the n00bs that I am surrounded with don't make the situation any better....:(
Well looking back at the past one month I'd say that things turned out pretty much as I has I expected..no wait it was better...downloading 85Gb of anime,movies and other shit...I guess I'll have to wait another 6 months for me to experience infnite pleasure all over again..^^..Anyway it's time for me to wrap things up and end my anime marathon with black lagoon^^
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