Amazing how cute how Asian girls are,more so the east Asian ones seem to pwn the list.Haha...Girl's Generation generation is a Korean pop band.They are kinda popular in Korea,but heck I love em for they satisfy my chink fetish!!....Love the dance btw..^_^
The 12th of December saw the Birth of the first official anime club of Kolkata.After nearly a month of haggling with the dates on Facebook,we finally managed to choose a date to have our first meet.Many had decided to attend,but some pulled out later with the Facebook event page showed only 7 people attending!Nevertheless we decided to carry on on hold the meet as scheduled.The meet was held on a lazy sunday afternoon at a well known mall Kolkata i.e South City.I arrived there a good half an hour early and made my way to the food court where the meet was supposed to be held.After a bit of searching ,I found the KAC members seated near the KFC outlet.Our club president Nia(Nyaa~Chan as we fondly call her ^_^),was the first to recognise me and I soon enough I found myself seated among a small and dedicated otakuish group.10 mins later and after the arrival of a few more members we started off our meet dot on time.."Introductions Please" ,as Nia said,and I was the first one to ...
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