Review By CreedofDeath and Childofhate Ok, firstly, a little heads up. This isn't a solo review. Me and CreedOfDeath collaborated on this one. Most of the critical comments are by me, while he does the fan/fanboi commentary. So, if you think that this article/review is bad in anyway, feel free to kill him! :evil: Now that, that's outta the way, lets begin. Code Geass is a SunRise Production and its a wholly original anime with no manga background and features one of the most charismatic and vengeful characters in anime history, aka Lelouch Vie Britannia. Any discussion about Code Geass usually involves pitting Zero aka Lelouch against Yagami Light, consequently leading to flame wars on many anime forums. But, here I wont compare them, though I'll definitely differentiate between them. Light in Death Note was shown to be a character who wasted (pun unintended) anyone, including his own family for the sake of a better world, but Lelouch on the other hand wastes the whole worl...