神聖かまってちゃん (Shinsei Kamatte-Chan) is probably one of the most wierest and one of the most awesome J-rock bands I have come across in recent times...I was initially recommended to listen to this by Dpsychc....of course his recommendations are always good ,but this one seemed to have exceeded my expectations...The band's title literealy translates into 'To kill a friend'..The band's music is wierd and sounds kinda like well...has a feel good feel to it..
The 12th of December saw the Birth of the first official anime club of Kolkata.After nearly a month of haggling with the dates on Facebook,we finally managed to choose a date to have our first meet.Many had decided to attend,but some pulled out later with the Facebook event page showed only 7 people attending!Nevertheless we decided to carry on on hold the meet as scheduled.The meet was held on a lazy sunday afternoon at a well known mall Kolkata i.e South City.I arrived there a good half an hour early and made my way to the food court where the meet was supposed to be held.After a bit of searching ,I found the KAC members seated near the KFC outlet.Our club president Nia(Nyaa~Chan as we fondly call her ^_^),was the first to recognise me and I soon enough I found myself seated among a small and dedicated otakuish group.10 mins later and after the arrival of a few more members we started off our meet dot on time.."Introductions Please" ,as Nia said,and I was the first one to ...
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