The short stories in the two volumes of Bakemonogatari deal with a high school boy named Koyomi Araragi and strange students he encounters. ("Bakemonogatari" is a wordplay on the Japanese term bakemono for supernatural creatures and the term monogatari for stories.) One student, a girl named Hitagi Senjōgahara, almost literally falls into his lap, only to have him discover she has no weight.(Source: ANN)
Episodes: 15
Status: Currently Airing
Aired: Jul 3, 2009 to ?
My review:
"Bakemonogatari" is a wordplay on the Japanese term bakemono for supernatural creatures and the term monogatari for stories.The ghosts in the story are gods or spirits(i.e oniis) who have cast their own special curses on humans resulting in supernatural effects on the humans on whom the curses are cast.Almost each episode starts and ends a story arc,as we see many characters getting introduced as the series progresses.The main plot of the story deals with
Koyomi Araragi who takes an interest in a girl whom he catches while she was falling down from the center of a spiral starircase.After catching the girl he realises that she posseses no weight!!

(That's quite a violent scene)
Episode 2 onwards we are drawn into the characters personalities and their peculiar traits,wee also learn more about the background of the main characters especially Senjohara.

(No comment on the scene above)
Episode 3 &4 takes the story to a new arc.Though most of episode 3 contains only a dialogues between the main characters(Their conversation got kind of weird and boring at times)

Anyway here's the DDL'S for the anime
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
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