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5 centimeters per second(秒速5センチメートル)

5 centimeters per second-A Chain of short stories about thier distance, isn't just any other anime movie.It IS one of the BEST Anime movies out there.5 centimeters per second is a masterpiece of a work by director Makato Shinkai who is well known for his earlier works(She & her cat,Voices of a distant star,The place promised in our Early days).The movie is seen a crucial departure from his earlier works in which futuristic themes provided the background settings of his movies.5 centimeters per second ignores all that and focuses on a realistic theme and setting.The name of the movie 5 centimeters per second i.e why the movie is named such is revealed in the first scene of the movie in which Akari one of the lead characters quotes that "5 centimeters per second is the speed at which cherry blossoms fall".The main story of the movie deals with the lead characters Akari Shinohara (篠原明里),& Takaki Tohno (遠野貴樹)who are in love with each other and how they struggle to maintain their relationship against distance and time.The movie has been divided into 3 episodes.Each episode dealing with a certain part of the life of the lead characters.The episodes in the movie are:

-Episode 1:Cherry Blossoms
-Episode 2:Cosmonaut
-Episode 3:5 centimeters per second

A unique thing about the movie is the movie does not have any particular plot twist nor a very extraordinary storyline.The story focuses more on the relationships and emotions of the characters which makes it main selling point of the movie.The artwork in the movie is excellent and Makato Shinkai does not leave the viewer any room for doubt at all.
Overall the movie is an excellent departure from the normally excessive drama in Shoujo anime and excessively nonsense action in most shounen anime.One must seriously give it a watch!!

BTW the movie also has an excellent soundtrack,which fitted well with the scenes.
(I know the movie is a bit old ,but the movie is so good that I just had write something about this movie!!)
Type: Movie
Episodes: 3
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Feb 11, 2007 to Mar 3, 2007
Producers: Shinkai Makoto, CoMix Wave
Genres: Drama, Romance, Slice of Life
Here's a little Trailer to the movie


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