I must say that I am not a big fan of Hindi movies,I usually see at the most 3-4 of them in a year.I saw 3 idiots because everyone here seems to be talking about the movie.I said to myself "This might be good"....and boy was I wrong!!!
3 idiots is loosely based on the best selling novel '5 point someone' written by Chetan Bhagat.But I must say the movie is nowhere near to the great piece of work the book was ,So what went wrong?
The movie starts of well,lots of humor in the 1st half and towards the interval you would probably be wanting more..But Alas!The movie slides into total chaos and I was left banging my head on the seat!Impossible things start happening in the 2nd half and I was finding it hard to laugh at comic moments or cry at the emo part.....We have students commiting suicide at every whim(wtf??is that a college or suicide factory!)..and we have 1st year students doing Major projects!And how can we forget a baby being born with a Vacum cleaner!...The list of of non sense crap is endless,besides that the movie a whole Fucking 3 hours long!!...I mean seriously who the hell has got 3 hours to watch a shitass movie.I seriously can't understand the hype the movie generated..It's more than Lame and worthless..It's plain dumb and retarted!...Bollywood has seriously got no hope left!!
In short 3 words describe 3 idiots best;
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